Gastrointestinal diseases including diarrhoea constitute a major cause of morbidity and mortality in infants and young children especially in developing countries. Worldwide deaths among all ages due to diarrhoea during 2015 were estimated to be about 1.31 million, diarrhoeal deaths in children below 5 years of age being 499 000. Rotavirus accounted for about 200 000 deaths. Although diarrhoeal deaths decreased significantly during the last two decades, they still represent the third largest cause of infantile deaths. Several bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal and non‐infectious diarrhoea causing agents have been identified, but 30% to 40% of diarrhoeal cases remain undiagnosed. Enteroviruses transmit by the faecal‐oral route and replicate first in intestinal cells before spreading to the target organ. They have been associated with diarrhoea in a few studies, but their causative role in diarrhoea in humans has not been systematically demonstrated. In view of the recent demonstration that enteroviruses cause diarrhoea in newborn mice pups, thus validating Koch's postulates, the purpose of this review is to emphasise the importance of recognising enteroviruses as major gastrointestinal pathogens associated with acute and persistent diarrhoea and non‐diarrhoeal increased frequency of bowel movements in infants, young children and adults. Our studies and several other subsequent studies reported from different countries should stimulate strategies to reduce the burden of infantile gastrointestinal disease, which has hitherto remained unaddressed.