roblems r,elated to shift worik: A field study of Swed~sh milroad workers with irregular work hours. Scand. j. work environ. & health 1 (1975) 254-262. A group of 132 engineers from the north of Sweden was included in the study. A subsample of about 50 subjects was selected f'Or fur,ther laboratory investigations during a light and warm summer period and a dark and cold winter period. The mean for the hours of sleep noted on the sleep records was significantly lower for night work than ]01' day wonk. The ·amount of sleep during night work was significantly less during ,the ,light period than duriing the daI1k pertod as was the amount of :sleep during the day off. Body temperature measured during work followed a daytime pattern and had a ,low ampmude. Potassium excretion and the blood levelis of cortisol displayed a stable circadian ;r;hyrthm with a dayttme pattern. Many environmental faotors made ,the resuLts of catecholamine data difficult to interpret. The fr,equency of ,reported peptk ulcers was higher in the engineer group than in some other gr,oups.