Hourly traffic volumes, collected by automatic traffic recorders (ATRs), are of paramount importance since they are used to calculate average annual daily traffic (AADT) and design hourly volume (DHV). Hence, it is necessary to ensure the quality of the collected data. Unfortunately, ATRs malfunction occasionally, resulting in missing data, as well as unreliable counts. This naturally has an impact on the accuracy of the key parameters derived from the hourly counts. This study aims to solve this problem. ATR data from New South Wales, Australia was screened for irregularities and invalid entries. A total of 25% of the reliable data was randomly selected to test thirteen different imputation methods. Two scenarios for data omission, i.e., 25% and 100%, were analyzed. Results indicated that missForest outperformed other imputation methods; hence, it was used to impute the actual missing data to complete the dataset. AADT values were calculated from both original counts before imputation and completed counts after imputation. AADT values from imputed data were slightly higher. The average daily volumes when plotted validated the quality of imputed data, as the annual trends demonstrated a relatively better fit.