Carbonation is a common and slow process that occurs in cement-based material, resulting in durability degradation of reinforced concrete structures. In this research, the relative velocity change (d v/ v) of both ultrasonic direct waves and coda waves are extracted based on the step-wise stretching method for concrete carbonation monitoring. To this end, two-dimensional mesoscale models are established to investigate the ultrasonic propagation behaviors and assess the effectiveness of direct waves and coda waves on concrete carbonation monitoring. The numerical results indicate that direct waves could evaluate the initial carbonation, but exhibit limited sensitivity for severe carbonation. Conversely, the d v/ v values of coda waves show a linear correlation with carbonation depth in all conditions. Accelerated concrete carbonation experiments are conducted to validate the numerical findings. The experimental results and numerical findings mutually corroborate, validating the effectiveness of velocity changes of coda waves on all-stage concrete carbonation monitoring. This research contributes a novel method for monitoring concrete carbonation and enhances the understanding of ultrasonic wave propagation in concrete.