The direct observation ofthe interfacial debonding between carbon fibers and an epoxy matrix was achieved through in-situ tensile and fatigue testing on the beamline of a synchrotron radiation facility,SPring-8.Preliminarytestswereconducted using miniatureepoxyspecimenswith multiple embedded carbon fibers under a high magnification digital microscope.Thestaticloadingunloading tests revealed clear interfacial debonding between the carbon fibers and epoxy matrix under a nominal stress of 50 MPa and indicated debonding initiation at 30 MPa. Synchrotron radiation X-ray computed tomography ( CT) was employed to observe the internal shape of the debonded interface.Although it washardlyvisibleundertheconventionalX-rayabsorption contrast CT (micro-CT),the3-dimensionalshapeofthedebonded interfacewasclearlyobservableunderthe high-resolution phase-contrast X-ray CT ( nano-CT), even under a nominal stress of 30 M Pa. The debonding between thecarbon fibersand epoxymatrix initiated at theinterfacewheretheneighboring fibers were closely spaced under static loading. Debonding did not propagate under the cyclic loading; however, further propagation was confirmed along the exterior interface of the fiber bundles.