Directed energy laser weapons are becoming more common on the global battlefield, with an increasing prevalence of both Earth-based and space-based platforms expected in the future. The thermal impact of these laser weapons can be significant and understanding the potential for thermally-induced physical damage as a function of power, beam focus and time on target is critical to mission planning. Testing is often understood to be the standard for truth in this regard, but it can be difficult to depend entirely on laboratory or field testing, especially when adversarial targets and/or challenging environments are the focus of such studies. For example, the thermal impacts of directed energy laser weapons on foreign targets in inaccessible environments can be challenging to understand via testing alone. The need to understand the thermal impact of directed energy laser weapons in situations where testing is difficult or impossible motivates the use of transient thermal prediction software. Adversarial targets in inaccessible environments can be simulated, and scientific studies can be performed by varying laser power, beam focus and time on target. Additionally, the effectiveness of possible countermeasures can be evaluated by simulating with and without the countermeasure and computing the reduction in thermal impact due to the design change of interest. In this paper we report on a methodology for simulating the transient thermal impact of laser weapons on orbiting satellites. We demonstrate how critical factors such as power level, beam focus and time on target can be included. We report time-dependent physical temperatures and show how the efficacy of countermeasures can be evaluated.