New Zealand now has more species of Orsillinae than any continent, being second only to the Hawaiian Islands in proliferation of species.Twenty-two new species of Rhypodes Stal: argenteus, atricornis, brachypterus, brevifissas, brevipilis, bucculentus, celmisiae, cognatus, crinitus, depilis, eminens, gracilis. hirsutus.jugatus, koebelei, longiceps, longirostris, rupestris, russatus, spadix, townsendi, and triangulus are described and figured.
HudsonaEvans 1929 is synonymised withRhypodes.The six previously known species are redescribed and figured. Limits of the genus are set and a key to distinguish the 28 species now known in Rhypodes (which is endemic to New Zealand) is provided. A lectotype has been designated for NysiuszealandicusDallas. There is an illustrated general morphology section and a list of taxonomic characters. The results of a numerical phenetic analysis using 96 characters is presented. Some abnormalities in venation on th,eforewin~membrane and on the hindwing are descnbed and figured, Toothed spines on the abdominal membrane near the inner laterotergites are described. There is a progression ofsiting of abdominal spiracle VII from a central position to the lateral dge of t.he dorsal connexivum surface. Biological information on host plants and habitat are given, as are distribution maps of the eight most abundant species. A possible zonation on one mountain as a result of competition between species is suggested.