We describe scalar-bimetric theories where the dynamics of the Universe are governed by two separate metrics, each with an Einstein-Hilbert term. In this setting, the baryonic and dark matter components of the Universe couple to metrics which are constructed as functions of these two gravitational metrics. More precisely, the two metrics coupled to matter are obtained by a linear combination of their vierbeins, with scalar-dependent coefficients. The scalar field, contrary to dark-energy models, does not have a potential whose role is to mimic a late-time cosmological constant. The late-time acceleration of the expansion of the Universe can be easily obtained at the background level in these models by appropriately choosing the coupling functions appearing in the decomposition of the vierbeins for the baryonic and dark matter metrics. We explicitly show how the concordance model can be retrieved with negligible scalar kinetic energy. This requires the scalar coupling functions to show variations of order unity during the accelerated expansion era. This leads in turn to deviations of order unity for the effective Newton constants and a fifth force that is of the same order as Newtonian gravity, with peculiar features. The baryonic and dark matter self-gravities are amplified although the gravitational force between baryons and dark matter is reduced and even becomes repulsive at low redshift. This slows down the growth of baryonic density perturbations on cosmological scales, while dark matter perturbations are enhanced. These scalarbimetric theories have a perturbative cutoff scale of the order of one astronomical unit (a.u.), which prevents a precise comparison with Solar System data. On the other hand, we can deduce strong requirements on putative Ultra Violet (UV) completions by analyzing the stringent constraints in the Solar System. Hence, in our local environment, the upper bound on the time evolution of Newton's constant requires an efficient screening mechanism that both damps the fifth force on small scales and decouples the local value of Newton constant from its cosmological value. This cannot be achieved by a quasistatic chameleon mechanism, and requires going beyond the quasistatic regime and probably using derivative screenings, such as Kmouflage or Vainshtein screening, on small scales.