Dark energy stars are finite size astrophysical objects with an interior equation of state typical of dark energy. Examples are self-gravitating false vacuum bubbles, vacuum nonsingular black holes, and gravastars. We present a time-dependent solution of Einstein's field equations that describes the collapse of a spherical system from an initial state of positive pressure to a final state with a dark energy core. Our solution has no singularities, no event horizons, and does not violate the weak or null energy conditions.
I. INTRODUCTIONThere are various studies of compact astrophysical objects in the interior of which the energy density ρ and the pressure p obey an equation of state typical of dark energy such as p = −ρ. Such objects have been variously named in the literature. We refer to them as "dark energy stars" for simplicity.Although dark energy stars could have spacetime singularities, one is commonly interested in dark energy stars that are nonsingular. Buchdahl's theorem [1] precludes the existence of nonsingular compact objects with radius smaller than 9/8 the Schwarzschild radius under the assumptions of spherical symmetry, isotropic stress, and nonnegative trace of the energy momentum tensor. Compact nonsingular dark energy stars are possible because the nonnegative trace condition does not apply for p < −ρ/3 dark energy (compact objects supported by anisotropy instead have also been studied [2]).In the mid 1960s the idea of objects with p = −ρ at their center was put forward by Gliner [3]. The first concrete solution was the Bardeen spacetime [4][5][6][7], which is a nonsingular, asymptotically flat, spherically symmetric spacetime that may have zero, one, or two event horizons depending on the value of a parameter. The Bardeen stress energy tensor features radial pressure p r = −ρ everywhere and tangential pressure p T = p r away from the center.In the 1980s the gravitational effects of false vacuum bubbles forming in true vacuum, and vice versa, were considered [8]. False-vacuum bubbles were studied as a possibility for wormholes [9] and localized inflation [10,11] when it was found that the null energy condition imposes that any spherically symmetric false-vacuum bubble that forms in an asymptotically flat space, and grows beyond a certain critical size, must have emerged from an initial singularity [11]. Smaller false vacuum bubbles may arise without initial singularities [12]. There were also attempts to replace the black hole singularity inside the horizon with a Planckian density vacuum bubble and a junction layer [13][14][15].Starting in the 1990s, compact objects with p = −ρ at their center, called vacuum nonsingular black holes, or lambda black holes [16][17][18][19], were studied within the class of "regular black-hole" solutions, i.e., asymptotically flat spacetimes that, like black holes, possess an event horizon but, unlike black holes, do not have a singularity (see, e.g., Ref.[20] for a review). Lambda black holes, and similar horizonless objects known as G lumps [21][22][23], are s...