The dark matter hypothesis, which is not called into question here, explains why typical rotation curves of spiral galaxies do not follow a Keplerian profile. It is however not sufficient in itself to explain why the whole matter distribution in spiral galaxies is such that the rotation curve generally presents a flat profile in the disk region.To understand this property, a model considering general relativistic effects is developed. It is stressed that the aim is not to explain the flat rotation curve of spiral galaxies without dark matter. More specifically, the analytical stationary solution of an axisymmetric rotating pressureless fluid for the linearized equations of the theory of general relativity is determined. It is demonstrated that this solution leads to some constraints on the rotation curve, by looking to its limit behavior when neglecting general relativistic effects. In particular, the positiveness of the density imposes the rotation curve to be flat in the regions where the density and general relativistic effects are small, such as in the disk region. General relativistic effects hence remain negligible in the disk region, but their consideration proved to be necessary to establish the aforementioned constraint. Such constraint cannot be derived from a Newtonian approach.The model is finally applied on two specific cases to demonstrate its ability to predict the rotation curve from a typical density profile along the galactic plane. These examples suggest that for some galaxies, general relativistic effects can be significant close to the bulge region and should be taken into account to have a proper understanding of their rotation curve.