Bifunktionelle Acylphosphane des Typs Ph,P -C(0) -[CR,], -C ( 0 ) -PPh, (2a -i) erhalt man aus den Saurechloriden CIC(0)-[CR,],-C(0)CI ( l a -i ) und (CH3),Si-PPh2. 2d (n = 2) und 1 c, e -i (n = 1, 3 -6) lassen sich mit molekularem Sauerstoff oder durch Umsetzung mit CH,OPPh, ( l a -i ) and (CH,),Si-PPh2. 2d (n = 2) and l c , e -i (n = 1, 3 -6) can be transformed with molecular oxygen and by reaction with CH,OPPh,, respectively to the phosphane oxides Ph, , (3c -i), 3a, b are not accessible. With a medium chain length the unstable phosphane oxides prefer, as it could be shown with the example of 3f, intramolecular cyclization, in the course of which intermediary formed 4f is changed into the unsaturated lactone 5f under separation of HP(O)Ph,. With a chain length of n = 4 -6 one obtains the bifunctional tetraphosphorylated alcohols 6g -i either by oxidation of 2g, h in the simultaneous presence of HP(O)Ph, or by reaction of 3h, i with HP(O)Ph,. In solution results decomposition of 6g-i to give the oxides 3g -i and HP(O)Ph,, which is dependent of electronic and steric factors. This could be proved with the example of the mono-and bifunctional alcohols 9 and 7i, respectively. The hydrolysis of 3 c yields the enol l l c .Das chemische Verhalten monofunktioneller Acyl-und Aroyldiorganylphosphane und deren Oxide wurde in den letzten Jahren ausfiihrlich untersucht1-14). Von besonderem Interesse haben sich Acylphosphanoxide erwiesen, da sie in Abhangigkeit elektronischer und sterischer Effekte entweder in die isomeren Acyloxyphosphane iibergehen4.'0*'3*1J) oder einer Dimerisierung unterIiegen3* 16). Mit protischen Solventien oder 0 Verlag Chemie GmbH, D-6940 Weinheim, 1984