The Sawayaerdun gold deposit, located in Wuqia County, Southwest Tianshan, China, occurs in Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian low-grade metamorphic carbonaceous turbidites. The orebodies are controlled by a series of NE-NNE-trending, brittle -ductile shear zones. Twenty-four gold mineralized zones have been recognized in the Sawayaerdun ore deposit. Among these, the up to 4-km-long and 200-m wide No. IV mineralized zone is economically the most important. The average gold grade is 1 -6 g/t. Gold reserves of the Sawayaerdun deposit have been identifi ed at approximately 37 tonnes and an inferred resource of 123 tonnes. Hydrothermal alteration is characterized by silicifi cation, pyritization, arsenopyritization, sericitization, carbonatization and chloritization. On the basis of fi eld evidence and petrographic analysis, fi ve stages of vein emplacement and hydrothermal mineralization can be distinguished: stage 1, early quartz stage, characterized by the occurrence of quartz veins; stage 2, arsenopyrite -pyrite -quartz stage, characterized by the formation of auriferous quartz veinlets and stockworks; stage 3, polymetallic sulfi de quartz stage, characterized by the presence of auriferous polymetallic sulfi de quartz veinlets and stockworks; stage 4, antimony -quartz stage, characterized by the formation of stibnite -jamesonite quartz veins; and stage 5, quartz -carbonate vein stage. Stages 2 and 3 represent the main gold mineralization, with stage 4 representing a major antimony mineralization episode in the Sawayaerdun deposit. Two types of fl uid inclusion, namely H 2 O -NaCl and H 2 O -CO 2 -NaCl types, have been recognized in quartz and calcite. Aqueous inclusions show a wide range of homogenization temperatures from 125 to 340°C, and can be correlated with the mineralization stage during which the inclusions formed. Similarly, salinities and densities of these fl uids range for each stage of mineralization from 2.57 to 22 equivalent wt% NaCl and 0.76 to 1.05 g/cm 3 , respectively. The ore-forming fl uids thus are representative of a medium-to low-temperature, lowto medium-salinity H 2 O -NaCl -CO 2 -CH 4 -N 2 system. The ␦ 34 S CDT values of sulfi des associated with mineralization fall into a narrow range of −3.0 to +2.6 ‰ with a mean of +0.1 ‰ . The ␦ 13 C PDB values of dolomite and siderite from the Sawayaerdun gold deposit range from −5.4 to −0.6 ‰ , possibly refl ecting derivation of the carbonate carbon from a mixed magmatic/sedimentary source. Changes in physico-chemical conditions and composition of the hydrothermal fl uids, water -rock exchange and immiscibility of hydrothermal fl uids are inferred to have played important roles in the ore-forming process of the Sawayaerdun gold -antimony deposit.