A technique to quantify the incinerability of municipal solid waste (MSW) called incinerability index or i‐Index has been developed. Eight input parameters incorporate the 3‐E concept that is, environmental impact, energy recovery, and economy of operation into the index structure, to facilitate the feasibility assessment of waste incineration. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) gives the relative weightage of the input parameters and normalization of the parameters is performed using rating curves. One of the most crucial stages in the formulation of a composite indicator is the choice of the aggregation technique. While formulating i‐Index, besides ambiguity and eclipsing, the degree of information loss and sensitivity analysis are also considered to choose an aggregation function, which ensures minimal distortion in the output. From the 16 aggregation functions, six are chosen for detailed sensitivity analyses and quantifying the information loss. Based on these studies, the weighted summation technique is concluded to quantify the incinerability of MSW effectively while incorporating the parameter weightages. The incinerability of MSW generated in high‐income, upper‐middle‐income, lower middle‐income, and low‐income countries are subsequently quantified using this function, which amounted to 73, 62.4, 58.4, and 51.2, respectively, on a scale of 0–100. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 38:e13068, 2019