AA atomic absorption AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy CVAA cold vapor atomic absorption GC/MS gas chromatograph/mass spectroscopy ICAP inductively coupled arc plasma MSA method of standard additions NTU normal turbidity units ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORR Oak Ridge Reservation ORRHAGS Oak Ridge Reservation Hydrology and Geology Study TIC tentatively identified compound vii EXECUTIVE SUbtMARY The Oak Ridge Reservation Hydrology and Geology Study (ORRHAGS) Groundwater Data Base has been compiled to consolidate groundwater data from the three U.S. Department of Energy facilities located on the Oak Ridge Reservation: the Oak Ridge K-25 Site, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant. Each of these facilities maintains its own groundwater and well construction data bases. Data were extracted frcJm the existing data bases, converted to a consistent format, and integrated into the ORRHAGS Groundwater Data Base structures. This data base dictionary describes the data contained in the ORRHAGS Groundwater Data Base and contains information on data base structure, conventions, contents, and use. ix The Oak Ridge Reservation Hydrology and Geology Study (ORRHAGS) Groundwater Data Base has been compiled to consolidate groundwater data from the three U.S. Department of Energy facilities located on the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR): the Oak Ridge K-25 Site, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant°Each of these facilities maintains its own groundwater and well construction data bases. Data were extracted from the existing data bases, converted to a consistent format, and integrated into the ORRHAGS Groundwater Data Base structures. The ORRHAGS Groundwater Data Base, now in its first version, includes results of groundwater chemical analyses, field parameters measured during sample collection, water level measurements, information on hydrogeologic parameters, general well information,and well construction data for-.2500 wells throughout the ORR. Typically, the data coverage for a specific well is not complete, and only some of the above information is available. The data base is not intended for regulatory compliance or administrative applications. To faciLitateuse of the ORKHAGS data base, this data base dictionary has been prepared to describe the data contained in the ORRHAGS Groundwater Data Base. The dictionary contains information on data base structure, conventions, contents, and use. Objectives for the data base; roles and responsibilities of the personnel involved; and flow, updates, and storage of the data are documented in the management plan for the ORRHAGS Groundwater Data Base (Thompson 1993). The K-25 Site dasa extracted for the first version of the ORRHAGS Groundwater Data Base include groundwater information dating from 1987 to 1989. The data were compiled by the K-25 Site Groundwater Protection Program. They also include well construction information dating from 1986 to 1989 that was compiled by Geraghty and Miller, Inc. (1989). Any external reference,...