When a canine presents a serious case of disease, injury or necrosis, it is imperative to perform an amputation procedure, whatever the affected limb is, since it can minimize the risk of developing pathologies related to tissues, joints and spine, associated with an altered gait and/or unequal distribution of forces in their limbs. Thus, improvement alternatives arise such as prostheses which help to improve the quality of life of canines. The article proposes the development of a functional prototype of prosthesis for canines with partial forelimb amputation through the design and 3D modeling of the prosthesis, together with the selection of the material that adapts to the morphological conditions of the canine. Also, a cushioning system is incorporated to minimize the force of the impact with the ground when performing activities such as jumping, running or walking. Finally, the electronic component is included in the design and the respective electronic and biomechanical tests are carried out to verify its correct operation.