Today's internet world is moves to cloud computing to maintain their public data privately in a secure way. In cloud scenario, many security principles are implemented to maintain the secure transmission of data over the internet. And still, the main concern is about maintaining the integrity of our own data in public cloud. Mostly, research works concentrates on cryptographic techniques for secure sharing of data but there is no such mentioned works are available for data integrity. In this paper, a data masking technique called obfuscation is implemented which is used to protect the data from unwanted modi cation by data breaching attacks. In this work, enhanced Vigenere encryption is used to perform obfuscation that maintains the privacy of the user's data. Enhanced Vigenere encryption algorithm combined with intelligent rules to maintain the dissimilarity between the data masking for perform encryption with different set of rules. This work mainly concentrates on data privacy with reduced time complexity for encryption and decryption.