“…For simplicity, we assume w.l.o.g. that N n ∈ I ≥0 , i.e., N is divisible by n. Note that ξN lies in the set {ξ | V (ξ , D N ) ≤ V ROA }, which is compact due to the lower bound (38) and Assumption 5, i.e., compactness of the (linearized) steadystate manifold [20, Assumption 5]. Similar to the proof of [20, Proposition 2], Lipschitz continuity of the dynamics (41) and compactness of U imply that the union of the N -step reachable sets of the linearized and the nonlinear dynamics (compare [51]) starting in {ξ | V (ξ , D N ) ≤ V ROA }, which we denote by X, is compact.…”