Dr Cecília Sik Lányi studied Mathematics and Computer Science (B.S.) -József Attila University (1981) -Mathematics and Computer Science (M.S.) -József Attila University (1984). She became Teacher of Mathematics -Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training College in 1988. She obtained the degree of Dr Univ. at the University of Veszprém, Hungary in Physical-chemistry (1993), and the degree of PhD at the University of Veszprém, Hungary in Computer Science (2000). She has worked as a software engineer and as an associate professor for program languages at the University of Pannonia. Currently she is focused on virtual reality and its application, user interface design, computer graphics for informatics engineering students and using multimedia in the education for teacher training courses. PhD and Masters' supervision has an emphasis on multimedia/ virtual reality for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities and patients with mental health issues. She got the "Master teacher" award of the Hungarian Ministry of Education in 2001. She has published more than 300 refereed articles and conference papers, and worked as guest editor for many renowned journals. She was the secretariat manager of EDeAN in 2009. She is the representative of Hungary in IFIP Technical Committee 13: Human-Computer Interaction (TC13).