Aims: The objective of this study was to optimize thermosonication conditions under different processing conditions of temperature, pretreatment time, and ultrasound frequencies and to study its influence on the inactivation behavior of Bacillus cereus and also to predict the conditions that will result in the best qualities of the pork meat regarding color, texture, moisture content loss, and fat content loss. Methods: To evaluate the influence of temperature (50-70 C), ultrasound frequency (20-60 kHz), and processing time (10-20 min) on color retention, lowest hardness, fat content loss, moisture content loss, and maximizing inactivation of B. cereus spores suspended in sterilized distilled water (SDW), as well as B. cereus inoculated in pork meat, response surface methodology was employed. Result: The findings from the study showed that thermosonication treatment had a significant effect on color, texture, fat content loss, B. cereus spores suspended in SDW, B. cereus inoculated in pork, and moisture content loss. The optimum operating conditions to accomplish the best inactivation behavior of B. cereus and physicochemical properties of pork meat were ultrasound frequency of 20 kHz, temperature of 70 C, and processing time of 13.56 min. Considering the abovementioned conditions, the predicted results obtained include B. cereus in SDW (0.79 CFU/g), B. cereus in pork (0.47 CFU/g), moisture content loss (22.42%), color (45.48), texture (134.38 N), and fat content (68.63%). These outcomes were in line with the experimental values and the overall desirability was 0.534.
Conclusions:The results of our study confirm that thermosonication has a better way of enhancing the quality of pork meat under the application of the suitable parameters.This can advance the processing and production of pork meat by the meat industries.
Practical ApplicationsPork meat is one of the most extensively consumed products in the world particularly in Asia and some parts of Africa. This product is in high consumer demand, but it is easily contaminated by microorganism, which leads to high deterioration and loss of quality.Thermosonication could be used as an effective and efficient technique for the meat industry. Its application will enhance the inactivation of deteriorative microorganisms and improve the physiochemical properties of pork meat.