Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is a remarkable mathematical tool that offers the same level of security as traditional public-key cryptography (PKC) with a significantly smaller key size and lower computational requirements. The use of pairing on elliptic curves has emerged as a vibrant field of research that provides enhanced security measures for the next generation of cryptographic systems.This thesis explores using ECC and Pairing-Based Cryptosystems (PBC) as effective mathematical tools for achieving high-security levels with minimal key size and computation cost. Specifically, the research aims to analyze Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves (PF-EC) and their practicality in resource-constrained environments. It proposes solutions to some of the limitations of existing applications of pairingbased cryptography.The thesis begins by presenting a comprehensive framework for constructing PF-EC and evaluating the practical security of several families of pairing-friendly curves. The study then explores the limitations of Identity-Based Encryption (IBE), a recognized application of pairing-based cryptography. It proposes mechanisms to address issues such as key escrow, secure key issuing, user slandering, and key abusing problems. The proposed solutions include an Escrow-Free Identity-Based Encryption (EF-IBE) scheme secured against confidentiality and an Escrow-Free Identity-Based Signature (EF-IBS) scheme that is forgeable and secure.Next, the thesis examines the feasibility of Internet-Voting Systems (IVS) and identifies user anonymity and ballot integrity during distribution as the main issues hindering their practical implementation. To address these challenges, the thesis proposes two cryptographic primitives secured under the Computational Diffie-Hellman Problem (CDHP) and the Random Oracle Model (ROM) and implements an Endto-End Verifiable Internet Voting (E2E-VIV) system with batch verifiability using one of the proposed cryptographic protocols.The research also studies the security issues associated with data outsourcing in the cloud and proposes an Identity-Based Blind Signature with a Message Recovery (IDBS-MR) scheme to implement a privacy-preserving data outsourcing mechanism that audits the integrity of stored data for resource-limited devices in cloud computing.Furthermore, the thesis proposes two kinds of Escrow-Free Identity-Based Signcryption (EF-IDSC) schemes and implements a secure peer-to-peer video-on-demand (P2P-VoD) streaming system and a secure cloud-assisted health care system that achieves public verifiability based on the identity-based aggregated signcryption (IDASC) scheme.Finally, the research focuses on realizing an authenticated (anonymous) key agreement protocol in energy-constrained settings and proposes two identity-based authenticated key agreement protocols to obtain a secure session key in health care. The first protocol is a One-Round Three-Party Authenticated Identity-Based Key Agreement Protocol (OR-3PID-KAP). In contrast, the second is an Identity-Based Anonymous Authent...