Recently the topic of Cloud Computing use is considered to be a burning issue as this notion is rather new and still not studied enough. Therefore, its advantages and disadvantages are currently discussed by the specialists. According to the definition, Cloud Computing is "a model for delivering information technology services in which resources are retrieved from the internet through web-based tools and applications, rather than a direct connection to a server. Data and software packages are stored in servers. However, cloud computing structure allows access to information as long as an electronic device has access to the web. The vital requirements include networking infrastructure that is physically available. The internet and the evolution that has taken place in the internet are also recognized as a major source and driving force behind the growth of cloud computing. End devices that are constantly evolving e.g. mobile, laptops, desktops are also recognized as essential in the support of cloud computing as a service. The problem is mainly the security and storage of client's data. In the paper the faults on security of their data storage and it's privacy is reviewed. It also includes in it conducted experiment and statistical analysis using ubuntu simulation. and CloudSim The paper identifies and evaluation the faults and proposes solutions to combat the identified problems.