Magnetic reconnection occurs in the near-Earth magnetotail in association with the onset of magnetospheric substorms. It converts magnetic energy that is previously stored in the magnetotail to plasma kinetic and thermal energy and produces various dynamic phenomena in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. It produces fast plasma flows, which are observed more frequently in the premidnight (dusk) sector of the plasma sheet relative to those in the postmidnight (dawn) sector (e.g., Nagai et al., 1998). Satellite observations reveal that the occurrence of auroral brightening is high in the 21-24 magnetic local time (MLT) range (e.g., Frey et al., 2004;Liou et al., 2001). Hence, the tail fast plasma flow results are consistent with the occurrence of auroral brightening corresponding to an onset of substorms.Nagai and Shinohara (2021) reported distribution of in situ magnetic reconnection observations in the near-Earth magnetotail (at radial distances of 20-30 R E ) in association with substorm onsets made by Geotail over the period of 1994-2019. Magnetic reconnection can be observed in the 21-02 MLT (corresponding to the region of Y GSM = +15 to −10 R E ). The important finding of their study is that magnetic reconnection has a short dawn-dusk X-line corresponding to 1-hr MLT. There are several examples of magnetic reconnection in the postmidnight sector of the plasma sheet, and they are mostly observed in highly active geomagnetic conditions and storms by Geotail (Nagai et al., 2013(Nagai et al., , 2015. The Cluster mission observed the ion diffusion region in magnetic reconnection near Y GSM = −5 R E (Eastwood et al., 2010), and the postmidnight event on 21 August 2002 was observed during a storm. During an intense storm on 28 May 2017, the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission made in situ observations of the ion diffusion region at ( et al., 2019). Hence, magnetic reconnection can be formed in the postmidnight sector of the plasma sheet. It may be conceivable that magnetic reconnection observed in the postmidnight sector is a dawnward extension of the X-line initially formed in the premidnight sector. However, magnetic reconnection in the postmidnight sector produces a substorm current system in the same sector. Any dawnward or duskward extension of the X-line is not confirmed (Nagai & Shinohara, 2021).It is reasonable to attribute an onset of magnetic reconnection to pre-conditions in the plasma sheet during the loading period (the growth phase of substorms). In the growth phase of a substorm, magnetic field lines are transported to the magnetotail as the loading process, and the magnetic field intensity increases in the tail lobes (e.g.,