This research investigates and analyses the use of energy-effi cient lighting design in an exclusive spa project in the southwest of England. The originality of this work is the area of investigation, which is in an exclusive spa. Before this study, hardly any investigation has been done in this kind of building, as many previous studies focused on energy-effi cient lighting in offi ce buildings. The main area of this investigation includes the study and analysis of the good practice of energy-effi cient lighting. The method used in this case study is to some extent similar to ethnographic research because the researcher was heavily involved in the energy-effi ciency lighting design as a lead building services design engineer from stage B to stage K of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) plan of work. The major fi ndings in this case study are that the energy-effi cient lighting design could still be achieved without sacrifi cing the visual comfort and aesthetic requirement of the building, which are a critical feature of an exclusive spa. Energy-effi cient lighting could be implemented if it is considered right from the early design stage.