INTRODUCTION: In December of 2019, the infection which caused the pandemic started in the Hubei territory of Wuhan, China. They were identified as SARS-CoV-2, a highly infectious, easily transmissible virus that has caused an increasing number of deaths worldwide. Covid can be perceived with a testing strategy known as RT-PCR. As of now, this technique is broadly utilized for identifying the infection.
OBJECTIVES: The imaging modalities are utilized for various degrees of seriousness from asymptomatic to basic cases. Side effects of an individual contaminated with COVID-19 incorporate gentle hack, fever, chest torment, weakness, and so forth An individual with an extremefundamental ailment requires basic consideration. Imaging has assumed a larger part during the flare-up, with CT being a better option than invert transcriptase-polymerase chain response testing.
METHODS: With artificial intelligence and robotics, a variety of devices and solutions have been introduced to improve contactless service forhumans. The presentation of AI technology may be a distinct advantage for the contactless treatment of patients. Information technology and AI could solve the testing and tracking system without any human interaction.
RESULTS: CT imaging methods permit radiologists and doctors to distinguish inner structures and see their shape, size, thickness, and surface,which could help in the early discovery of asymptomatic cases.
CONCLUSION: This detailed information data can be utilized to decide whether there's a clinical issue, provide the extent and accurate area of the matter, and uncover other significant details which will assist the doctor with deciding the best treatment.