For the case of a magnetic quantization field a method is developed to calculate the conductivity current and heat flow up to terms of l/(Q r)2; B end t being the cyclotron resonance frequency of the carriers and the relaxation time, respectively. The kinetical coefficients, determined by these currents, are necessary for the investigation of TGMP in conductors with equal concentrations of electrons and holes and also of the oscillations of the Hall constant in normal conductors. For the scattering on a short-range potential the dependence of @j on the magnetic field is analysed.9aCTOTa HOCETeJIeB, Z KEHeTH--BpeMR PeJraHCaUHU. qecmie H O~@ @ E U E~H T~I , onpenemeMrae ~T E M H IIOTOH~ME, H~O~X O W M~I ~J I H ~3 ya Tawxe o c~~n n s~u b IIOCTORHHOB Xonna B 06b114~b1x npoBonmKax. l I p~ pacce- ¶eHER TrMR B IIpOBOnHUKaX C OREHaHOBOfi HOHUeHTpaUUefi 3JIeHTpOHOB H PJdPOK, IIHEE Ha HOpOTKOnefiCTBYIoI4eM IIOTeHUEaJIe IIpOaHaJIE3EpOBaHa XIBECEMOCTb $2 OT MarHETHOrO nOn5X.