Metagenomic sequencing has allowed for the recovery of previously unexplored microbial genomes. Whereas short-read sequencing platforms often result in highly fragmented metagenomes, nanoporebased sequencers could lead to more contiguous assemblies due to their potential to generate long reads. Nevertheless, there is a lack of updated and systematic studies evaluating the performance of different assembly tools on nanopore data. In this study, we have benchmarked the ability of different assemblers to reconstruct two different commercially-available mock communities that have been sequenced using Oxford Nanopore Technologies platforms. Among the tested tools, only metaFlye, Raven, and Canu performed well in all the datasets. These tools retrieved highly contiguous genomes (or even complete genomes) directly from the metagenomic data. Despite the intrinsic high error of nanopore sequencing, final assemblies reached high accuracy (~ 99.5 to 99.8% of consensus accuracy). Polishing strategies demonstrated to be necessary for reducing the number of indels, and this had an impact on the prediction of biosynthetic gene clusters. correction with high quality short reads did not always result in higher quality draft assemblies. Overall, nanopore metagenomic sequencing data-adapted to MinION's current output-proved sufficient for assembling and characterizing lowcomplexity microbial communities. Background Metagenomic sequencing has revolutionized the way we study and characterize microbial communities. This culture-independent technique based on shotgun sequencing has been applied in a broad range of biological fields, ranging from microbial ecology 1 to evolution 2 , or even clinical microbiology 3. In recent years, metagenomics has also become a powerful tool for recovering individual genomes directly from complex microbiomes 2,4,5 , leading to the identification and description of new-and mostly unculturable-taxa with meaningful implications 6. Illumina has been the most widely used platform for metagenomic studies. Illumina reads are characterized by their short length (75-300 bp) and high accuracy (~ 0.1% of basecalling errors) 7. When performing de novo assemblies, Illumina sequences often result in highly fragmented genomes, even when sequencing pure cultures 8,9. This is a consequence of the inability to correctly assemble genomic regions containing repetitive elements that are longer than the read length 9. This fragmentation problem is magnified when handling metagenomic sequences due to the existence of intergenomic repeats that are shared by more than one taxon present in the microbial community 10. It has to be noted that microbial communities often contain related species or sub-species in different-and unknown-abundances, resulting in extensive intergenomic overlaps that can hinder the assembly process 11,12. Third generation sequencing platforms have recently emerged as a solution to resolve ambiguous repetitive regions and to improve genome contiguity. Despite the considerable error associated to these te...