Citation for published item:gvestnyD F nd odr¡ %guezD eFvF nd wrt¡ %nezEfrer¡ D rF nd frekonD FF @PHISA 9smproved Qh sprse mps for highEperformne pw with lowEost omnidiretionl rootsF9D in PHIS siii snterntionl gonferene on smge roessingD sgs PHISD PUEQH eptemer PHISD uee gityD gD gnd Y proeedingsF xew orkD eX siiiD ppF RWPUERWQIF Further information on publisher's website: Additional information:
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ABSTRACTWe consider the use of low-budget omnidirectional platforms for 3D mapping and self-localisation. These robots specifically permit rotational motion in the plane around a central axis, with negligible displacement. In addition, low resolution and compressed imagery, typical of the platform used, results in high level of image noise (σ ∽ 10). We observe highly sparse image feature matches over narrow inter-image baselines. This particular configuration poses a challenge for epipolar geometry extraction and accurate 3D point triangulation, upon which a standard structure from motion formulation is based. We propose a novel technique for both feature filtering and tracking that solves these problems, via a novel approach to the management of feature bundles. Noisy matches are efficiently trimmed, and the scarcity of the remaining image features is adequately overcome, generating densely populated maps of highly accurate and robust 3D image features. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated under a variety of scenarios in experiments conducted with low-budget commercial robots.