Human eye lens transparency requires life long stability and solubility of the crystallin proteins. Aged crystallins have high levels of covalent damage, including glutamine deamidation. Human ␥D-crystallin (H␥D-Crys) is a two-domain -sheet protein of the lens nucleus. The two domains interact through interdomain side chain contacts, including Gln-54 and Gln-143, which are critical for stability and folding of the N-terminal domain of H␥D-Crys. To test the effects of interface deamidation on stability and folding, single and double glutamine to glutamate substitutions were constructed. Equilibrium unfolding/refolding experiments of the proteins were performed in guanidine hydrochloride at pH 7.0, 37°C, or urea at pH 3.0, 20°C. Compared with wild type, the deamidation mutants were destabilized at pH 7.0. The proteins populated a partially unfolded intermediate that likely had a structured C-terminal domain and unstructured N-terminal domain. However, at pH 3.0, equilibrium unfolding transitions of wild type and the deamidation mutants were indistinguishable. In contrast, the double alanine mutant Q54A/Q143A was destabilized at both pH 7.0 and 3.0. Thermal stabilities of the deamidation mutants were also reduced at pH 7.0. Similarly, the deamidation mutants lowered the kinetic barrier to unfolding of the N-terminal domain. These data indicate that interface deamidation decreases the thermodynamic stability of H␥D-Crys and lowers the kinetic barrier to unfolding due to introduction of a negative charge into the domain interface. Such effects may be significant for cataract formation by inducing protein aggregation or insolubility.Transparency of the human eye lens depends on high concentrations and short range order of the crystallin proteins (1, 2). Enucleated mature lens fiber cells do not actively synthesize protein, and consequently, the crystallin proteins of nuclear lens cells are as old as the lens itself. This unique phenomenon necessitates life long protein stability and solubility despite elevated concentrations and exposure to environmental stresses.A striking feature of cataract is the sharp rise in prevalence with increasing age (3). The crystallin proteins accumulate high levels of covalent damage as they age, suggesting that covalent damage of the crystallins may cause or contribute to disease onset. Cataract is the leading cause of blindness worldwide and affects one in six people over the age of 40 in the United States (3). Cataract is associated with the presence of insoluble lightscattering crystallin inclusions. Formation of these inclusions is likely caused by loss of crystallin solubility and/or aggregation.The ␣-, -, and ␥-crystallins are found in all vertebrate lenses. The ␣-crystallins associate to form large polydisperse multimers that possess in vitro molecular chaperone activity (4, 5). In contrast, it is believed that in the lens, the -and ␥-crystallins function solely as structural proteins. The -and ␥-crystallins adopt similar two domain, -sheet, Greek key motif folds. The wild-t...