The patient was a 5-year-old boy who was found in a state of cardiorespiratory arrest in the tub of a washing machine without water with the door closed. The autopsy findings included severe facial congestion and petechiae of the facial skin and palpebral conjunctiva. Several organs exhibited congestion. Hemorrhagic spots were seen on the serous membranes of various organs, with particularly marked hemorrhagic spots seen on the lungs. The heart contained fluid blood without soft clots. There were no findings indicative of marked trauma, intoxication, or hyperthermia. The examination results suggested that asphyxia had occurred in this case.However, there were no findings indicative of cervical compression, oronasal obstruction, or the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract. Image analysis showed the child could make postural changes inside the washing machine tub. Consequently, impaired thoracic movement and postural asphyxia were considered unlikely to have occurred. The results of blood gas analysis showed no evidence of marked hypercapnia. We therefore concluded that the cause of the child's death was asphyxia due to hypoxia caused by being in a closed space, i.e., a washing machine tub.