Polymorphic oxidation of the sparteine/debrisoquine-type has been shown to account for much of the interindividual variation in the metabolism, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of an increasing number of drugs, including some antiarrhythmic, antidepressant and beta-adrenoceptor antagonist agents. Impaired hydroxylation of these drugs results from the absence of the enzyme cytochrome P450IID6 in the livers of poor metabolisers, who constitute 6% to 10% of Caucasian populations. The clinical importance of the phenomenon has to be explored further and for most sparteine/debrisoquine-related substrates there is a need for controlled prospective studies to define the consequences to the patient of impaired or enhanced drug oxidation.The eficacy, duration of action and toxicity of many lipophilic drugs is governed by their oxidative metabolism. This process is catalysed predominantly by the hepatic cytochrome P-450 enzyme family, the activities of which display pronounced interindividual variation. Cytochrome P-450 activity is regulated by one or more genes and can be modified by environmental and physiological factors.Pathways of drug metabolism that are under monogenic control may exhibit polymorphism within a population. Genetic polymorphsm is defined as the inheritance of a trait controlled by a single genetic locus with two alleles, in which the least common allele has a frequency of about 1 YO or greater. The existence of at least two polymorphisms of drug oxidation has been established unequivocally. They affect the metabolism of the prototype drugs sparteine and debrisoquine (Eichelbaum & Gross 1990) and that of mephenytoin (Kiipfer & Preisig 1984;Wedlund et al. 1984). L(-bsparteine is an alkaloid, which was used clinically to stimulate uterine contractions and as an antiarrhythmic agent. Following the occurrence of serious adverse reactions arising from an exaggerated pharmacological response (Newton et al. 1966), the clinical use of sparteine ceased in the mid 1960's. During the course of studies on its pharmacokinetics and antiarrhythmic effects it was noted that two subjects complained of dizziness, headache, blurred vision and diplopia and that these individuals had plasma drug concentrations four to five times higher than other subjects taking the same dose (Eichelbaum 1975). The results of subsequent population and family studies supported the hypothesis of a genetically impaired oxidation of sparteine (Eichelbaum 1975). Genetic polymorphism of the 4-hydroxylation of debrisoquine was discovered in similar fashion to but independently from that of sparteine (Mahgoub et al, 1977; Tucker et ai. 1977), and it was only later that polymorphic metabolism of the two drugs was found to reflect the same phannacogenetic process (Bertilsson et al. 1980).Since its discovery in 1975, the sparteineldebrisoquine (SP/DB) polymorphism has been studied intensively. After a brief summary of initial studies performed to establish the polymorphic oxidation of SP/DB this review will discuss the relationship bet...