Debt with many creditors is analyzed in a continuous-time pricing model of the levered firm in the presence of corporate taxes. We specifically allow for debtor opportunism in form of repeated strategic renegotiation offers and default threats. Dispersed creditors will only accept coupon concessions in exchange for guaranteed liquidation rights, e.g. collateral. The ex ante optimal debt contract is secured with assets which gradually become worthless as the firm approaches the preferred liquidation conditions, in order to allow for sufficient, but delayed renegotiability. Compared with singlecreditor debt, dispersed debt offers a larger debt capacity, and it is preferable ex-ante if the value of collateralizable assets is then reduced. Our model can explain credit risk premia in excess of those supported by a single creditor model with opportunistic renegotiation. Financial support for this project from the Financial Markets Group at the LSE and the hospitality of Tilburg University is gratefully acknowledged. We are grateful to seminar audiences at Aarhus, ESSEC, Groningen, LSE, Queen Mary and Westfield London, Mannheim, Odense, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Vienna, the CEPR Financial Markets Conference in Louvain-la-Neuve, and the CEPR Corporate Finance Conference in Courmayeur for helpful comments. We also wish to thank Sudipto Bhattacharya, Lara Cathart, Jon Danielsson, Darrell Duffie, Jan Ericsson, Martin Hellwig, David Webb and an anonymous referee for useful comments and advise. Any errors remain our responsibility.