At present, identifying and characterizing the common plasma–sheath edge (PSE) in the conventional fluid approach leads to intrinsic oversimplifications, while the kinetic one results in unusable over-generalizations. In addition, none of these approaches can be justified in realistic plasmas, i.e., those which are characterized by non-negligible Debye lengths and a well-defined non-negligible ion temperature. In an attempt to resolve this problem, we propose a new formulation of the Bohm criterion [D. Bohm, The Characteristics of Electrical Discharges in Magnetic Fields (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1949)], which is here expressed in terms of fluid, kinetic, and electrostatic-pressure contributions. This “unified” Bohm criterion consists of a set of two equations for calculating the ion directional energy (i.e., the mean directional velocity) and the plasma potential at the common PSE, and is valid for arbitrary ion-to-electron temperature ratios. It turns out to be exact at any point of the quasi-neutral plasma provided that the ion differential polytropic coefficient function (DPCF) of Kuhn et al. [Phys. Plasmas 13, 013503 (2006)] is employed, with the advantage that the DPCF is an easily measurable fluid quantity. Moreover, our unified Bohm criterion holds in plasmas with finite Debye lengths, for which the famous kinetic criterion formulated by Harrison and Thompson [Proc. Phys. Soc. 74, 145 (1959)] fails. Unlike the kinetic criterion in the case of negligible Debye length, the kinetic contribution to the unified Bohm criterion, arising due to the presence of negative and zero velocities in the ion velocity distribution function, can be calculated separately from the fluid term. This kinetic contribution disappears identically at the PSE, yielding strict equality of the ion directional velocity there and the ion sound speed, provided that the latter is formulated in terms of the present definition of DPCFs. The numerical values of these velocities are found for the Tonks–Langmuir collision-free, plane-parallel discharge model [Phys. Rev. 34, 876 (1929)], however, with the ion-source temperature extended here from the original (zero) value to arbitrary high ones. In addition, it turns out, that the charge-density derivative (in the potential “space”) with respect to the potential exhibits two characteristic points, i.e., potentials, namely the points of inflection and maximum of that derivative (in the potential space), which stay “fixed” at their respective potentials independent of the Debye length until it is kept fairly small. Plasma quasi-neutrality appears well satisfied up to the first characteristic point/potential, so we identify that one as the plasma edge (PE). Adopting the convention that the sheath is a region characterized by considerable electrostatic pressure (energy density), we identify the second characteristic point/potential as the sheath edge (SE). Between these points, the charge density increases from zero to a finite value. Thus, the interval between the PE and SE, with the “fixed” width (in the potential “space”) of about one third of the electron temperature, will be named the plasma–sheath transition (PST). Outside the PST, the electrostatic-pressure term and its derivatives turn out to be nearly identical with each other, independent of the particular values of the ion temperature and Debye length. In contrast, an increase in Debye lengths from zero to finite values causes the location of the sonic point/potential (laying inside the PST) to shift from the PE (for vanishing Debye length) towards the SE, while at the same time, the absolute value of the corresponding ion-sound velocity slightly decreases. These shifts turn out to be manageable with employing the mathematical concept of the plasma-to-sheath transition (different from, but related to our natural PST concept), resulting in approximate, but sufficiently reliable semi-analytic expressions, which are functions of the ion temperature and Debye length.