SynopsisExlJeriments were lIIade on the rate oj decarburization oj molten iron w ilh CO,-Ar gas mixtures. The rate oj reaction at Ih e w hole swface oj meit varied allllost IlrolJortionally to Ih e flow rate oj gas, but deviated remarkably Jrom the linear relation al high flow rates. Tlze more Ihe blow ing tube alJProached to melt, tlze 1Il0re the rale oj reaction increased. When the intelfacial area was changed uilh magne.lia ring oj i.d. 2r, Ihe rale oj reaction was IlrolJortionalto r, bUI not 10 r'. F rom the experiments carried out under high velocity oj gas stream, it was clarified thai Ihe outer parts oj melt surface altributed hardly to decarburizatioll. A linear relation was Joulld between the flow rate oj gas and the rale oj decarburization IJer unit area oj melt at Ihe end oj the blowillg tube. From Ihe resulls, it seemed Ilrobable Ihat the diJJerence oj al/ribulioll all diJJerCll l localities to Ihe !Jroceedillg qf reaclioll is crlllsed by l/ie diJJerellCe oj the velocity oj gas stream at diflerelll localilies at Ihe illielface. Variatiolls oj the rate oj decarburizalioll were also tried to be eXlllailled by means oj the gas bouudary layer theory.