The cleavage of C3 by the C3 convertases (C3bBb and C4b2a) determines whether complement activation proceeds. Dissociation (decay acceleration) of these central enzymes by the regulators decay-accelerating factor (DAF), complement receptor 1 (CR1), factor H, and C4-binding protein (C4BP) controls their function. In a previous investigation, we obtained evidence implicating the ␣4/5 region of the type A domain of Bb (especially Tyr 338 ) in decay acceleration of C3bBb and proposed this site as a potential interaction point with DAF and long homologous repeat A of CR1. Because portions of only two DAF complement control protein domains (CCPs), CCP2 and CCP3, are necessary to mediate its decay of the CP C3 convertase (as opposed to portions of at least three CCPs in all other cases, e.g. CCPs 1-3 of CR1), DAF/C4b2a provides the simplest structural model for this reaction. Therefore, we examined the importance of the C2 ␣4/5 site on decay acceleration of C4b2a. Functional C4b2a complexes made with the C2 Y327A mutant, the C2 homolog to factor B Y338A, were highly resistant to DAF, C4BP, and long homologous repeat A of CR1, whereas C2 substitutions in two nearby residues (N324A and L328A) resulted in partial resistance. Our new findings indicate that the ␣4/5 region of C2a is critical to decay acceleration mediated by DAF, C4BP, and CR1 and suggest that decay acceleration of C4b2a and C3bBb requires interaction of the convertase ␣4/5 region with a CCP2/CCP3 site of DAF or structurally homologous sites of CR1 and C4BP.The complement system consists of about 30 proteins that play critical roles in both innate and adaptive immunity. Three different activation pathways initiate the complement response (1): the classical pathway (CP), 1 the alternative pathway (AP), and the lectin pathway. Although each responds to different activators, all three pathways converge at the assembly of the C3 convertases. These two-component serine proteases (C4b2a and C3bBb) cleave the serum protein C3 at a single site, forming C3b and C3a activation fragments. Nearly all of the biological consequences associated with complement depend on this enzymatic cleavage. C3b binds covalently to and opsonizes activating targets, which marks them for lysis and/or immune clearance (1) and primes them for the production of the high affinity antibody (2-4). C3a is an anaphylactic agent that focuses inflammatory reactions around foreign substances by inducing local vasodilation, the influx of leukocytes, the upregulation of surface receptors, and the release of inflammatory mediators (5).There are two structurally different C3 convertases (1): 1) The classical and lectin pathway convertase, C4b2a, traditionally termed the CP convertase and 2) the AP C3 convertase, C3bBb. Each is formed first through the association of C4b or C3b with a zymogen (C2 or factor B) in the presence of Mg 2ϩ . C2 and factor B are homologous proteins composed of three amino-terminal globular domains (complement control protein domains (CCPs)) followed by a type A domain and a se...