The stability of antiproton-hydrogen compound states (pH) is investigated theoretically. ThepH compound state has decay channels of atomic electron detachment (→e − +pp) and hadronic pair (p-p) annihilation, and hence it cannot be permanently stable even if the dissociation channel (→p + H) is energetically closed. In this paper, information on the metastablepH states at energies below the dissociation limit is obtained by analyzing low-energy resonances in e − +pp scattering. The scattering calculation is carried out by using an R-matrix method, which also allows for the annihilation channel simultaneously. The metastable states are found to be identified as vibrational levels supported by a Born-Oppenheimer (BO) potential. The energy-level widths attributed to the electron detachment and the annihilation are also calculated using a model based on the BO picture.