The flavor changing neutral current decays t → cX (X = γ, g, Z , H) and t → c¯ (= μ, τ) are studied in a renormalizable scalar leptoquark (LQ) model with no proton decay, where a scalar SU (2) doublet with hypercharge Y = 7/6 is added to the standard model, yielding a non-chiral LQ Ω 5/3. Analytical results for the one-loop (tree-level) contributions of a scalar LQ to the f i → f j X (f i → f jfm f l) decays, with f a = q a , a , are presented. We consider the scenario where Ω 5/3 couples to the fermions of the second and third families, with its right-and left-handed couplings obeying λ u i R /λ u i L = O(), where parametrizes the relative size between these couplings. The allowed parameter space is then found via the current constraints on the muon (g − 2), the τ → μγ decay, the LHC Higgs boson data, and the direct LQ searches at the LHC. For m Ω 5/3 = 1 TeV and = 10 −3 , we find that the t → cX branching ratios are of similar size and can be as large as 10 −8 in a tiny area of the parameter space, whereas Br(t → cτ τ) [Br(t → cμμ)] can be up to 10 −6 (10 −7).