Rotational J = 1 → J = 0 de-excitation of muonic molecules ( 3 Heµt) ++ J , induced by ( 3 Heµh) ++ 1 -H collisions, where h = p, d, t and H is the respective hydrogen isotope atom (H, D, T), is investigated. The corresponding cross-sections and reaction rates are calculated in the frame of the DWBA approximation for a range of collision energies from 0.001 eV to 0.5 eV. Many narrow shape resonances are found below 0.15 eV. Nonresonant transition rates, normalized to the liquid hydrogen density, are practically energy independent and equal to about 4 × 10 11 s −1 for ( 3 Heµp) ++ 1 -H, 10 10 s −1 for ( 3 Heµd) ++ 1 -D and 4•10 9 s −1 for ( 3 Heµt) ++ 1 -T collisions. Cross-section for elastic ( 3 Heµp) ++ 1 -H scattering as a function of collision energy is also presented.