The decay scheme of 'Rb up to 2A MeV excitation energy was investigated by the Kr{p,y) reaction and Coulomb excitation with alpha particles. Singles and y-y coincidence spectra were recorded. Doppler shift attenuation measurements in gas were performed using the same gas as stopper medium. Lifetimes or lifetime limits were determined for 20 levels by Coulomb excitation and the Doppler shift attenuation method. An existing ambiguity referring to the lifetime of the second excited level has been removed.
NUCLEAR REACTIONSKr (p, y), Coulomb excitation by alpha bombardment. E~=1.85 -2.87 MeV. E =3 MeV. Natural Kr gas target; p =0.1 -106X 10 Pa. Doppler shift attenuation in gas. Measured: level energies, branching ratios, decay scheme, lifetimes.