Introduction. The problem of wake vortices has become especially pressing with the appearance of heavy airplane, behind which intense vortex lines extend over several kilometers and are a serious hazard to small airplanes falling in the region of these vortices [1].In this connection, it is.of interest to study the far region in a vortex wake, i.e., the region where the ordinary momentum-free wake (the drag force is compensated by the engine thrust) is no longer significant and, at the same time, the phenomena caused by the instability and breakup of a vortex pair into structures such as vortex rings, etc., are not yet manifested.Experimental studies and theoretical descriptions of this phenomenon involve solving complex problems of the dynamics of concentrated vortices. Under laboratory conditions, measurements in the far region are impossible because of the limited dimensions of experimental installations and the significant effect of the wake due to the body drag (under real conditions, it is compensated by engine operation). Full-scale experiments are technically difficult and axe complicated by many additional factors: atmospheric turbulence, wind, stratification of the atmosphere, etc. These circumstances lead to a wide spread of measurement results and, in some cases, to contradictory results.Under real conditions, the motion in such vortices is turbulent, as confirmed in experiments. The lack of a reliable, serviceable mathematical model for describing turbulent fluid flow hinders the development of an adequate mathematical model and a fairly comprehensive theoretical description of this phenomenon.The complexity of the problem is responsible for the considerable simplifications used in analytical studies. In a number of papers, one vortex line is considered, the flow in its vicinity is considered axisymmetric, and the effect of the second vortex line is ignored [2, 3]. This approach is justified on the initial segment after roll-up of the vortex wake shed from the wing (lifting surface) and as long as the variation in the total circulation due to turbulent diffusion of vorticity is negligible. It is clear that at a certain distance, the