Lifetimes of fine structure levels of metastable H2 in the c 3Π u state J. Chem. Phys. 70, 4376 (1979); 10.1063/1.438010 Fine structure of the metastable a 3Σ u + state of the helium molecule. Further results J. Chem. Phys. 69, 98 (1978); 10.1063/1.436350 Some Excited States of the Helium Molecule. I. The Lowest 1Σ u + and 3Σ g + States and the First Excited 1Σ g + StatesWe have measured the spin-spin, electronic fine structure of the a 3~~ metastable state of He, by means of a molecular beam, magnetic resonance apparatus, with the flowing afterglow of a pulsed, helium discharge as the source. The zero field separations in the N = I and N = 3 rotational levels, probably in the v=O vibrational state, are (in MHz) N=I: J=0#J=1:2199.968 ±0.01, J = I #J = 2: 873.668 ±0.007; N= 3: J= 2#J~ 3: 1323.911±0.006, J=3#J=4: 964.992±0.006, where the errors quoted· are three standard deviations of the mean. From these measurements and from a separate determination of the level order, the interaction constants for these states are the following (in MHz): spin-spin: A.:-\098.773 ±0.OO5(N = I), -1096.803±0.004(N =3), spin-rotation: r: -2.421±0.OO3(N = I), -2.414±0.OOI(N =3), where the errors are 3u.
Spin-spin interactions in moleculesMolecules in 3Z; states are of interest, because the first order fs is caused by magnetic, spin-spin interac-