New low-spin levels in 111 Sb have been identified following the β + /EC decay of proton-rich 111 Te. 111 Te was produced in the 58 Ni( 56 Fe, 2pn) 111 Te reaction and separated using the fragment mass analyzer at Argonne National Laboratory. γ -ray singles and γ -γ coincidence spectra were collected as a function of time. Eleven new levels in 111 Sb were identified, including levels at 487 and 881 keV that have been tentatively assigned spins and parities of 1/2 + and 3/2 + , respectively. Shell-model calculations have been performed in which the single-particle d 3/2 and s 1/2 basis levels were adjusted to fit the observed positions of the low-energy 1/2 + and 3/2 + levels in 109 Sb and 111 Sb. Good agreement for the known yrast 1/2 + , 3/2 + , 5/2 + , 7/2 + , and 9/2 + levels in 105,107,109,111 Sb is obtained.