The latest tabulation of energy levels in 13N (Ajzenberg-Selove and Lauritsen 1959) shows that there is a region from 8 ·08 to 22·7 MeV which previously has been inaccessible to thorough investigation. Since the mirror nucleus, 130, has been thoroughly investigated and shows a well-defined level scheme in this region, it was decided to make a search for similar levels of the 13N nucleus in the excitation range 6· 5-12 . 5 MeV in this laboratory by means of elastic scattering of protons from 12 0.Protons with energies continuously variable from 5 to 11·5 MeV were available from the University of Melbourne Variable Energy Oyclotron (Oaro, Martin, and Rouse 1955), the energy being determined by a 60° magnetic analyser which was nuclear-resonance controlled. Accurate energy calibration of this analyser at the high end of its range has not yet been completed, but its stability and resolution are known to be better than 0·1 %.After magnetic analysis the proton beam entered a large scattering chamber (16 in. radius), and was scattered from a thin (1 mg cm-2 ) polythene target. Scattered protons were detected at angles between 10° and 170° by a rotatable scintillation counter using a thin OsI(Tl) crystal scintillator, the output pulses being fed into a 100-channel analyser. Unscattered beam was collected in a Faraday cup and measured by a vibrating reed type current integrator. Angular distributions were taken at 100 keV steps throughout the machine energy range, at approximately 5° intervals from 25° to 170°. The absolute values of differential cross section thus obtained have been compared with data of other experimenters at machine energies of 5 MeV (Reich, Phillips, and Russell 1956), 7 MeV (Schneider 1956), 9·5 MeV (Greenlees, Kuo, and Petravic 1957), and 10 MeV (Fischer 1954). Agreement better than 5 % is obtained at 5 and 7 MeV both as to absolute cross section and angular distribution. At the higher energies, while quite good agreement is obtained as to the absolute cross section values, the angular distributions differ somewhat at back angles from the curves published at 9·5 MeV (Greenlees, Kuo, and Petravic 1957) and 10 MeV (Fischer 1954). This is probably due to the critical dependence of cross section upon energy at back angles, which we have found to occur in the neighbourhood of the newly discovered resonances at these energies. Typical angular distributions over the energy range are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 (a) shows a typical distribution at t Supported in part by a grant from the Australian Atomic Energy Commission. t Manuscript