We propose a novel approach to continuum modeling of the dynamics of crystal surfaces. Our model follows the evolution of an ensemble of step configurations, which are consistent with the macroscopic surface profile. Contrary to the usual approach where the continuum limit is achieved when typical surface features consist of many steps, our continuum limit is approached when the number of step configurations of the ensemble is very large. The model can handle singular surface structures such as corners and facets. It has a clear computational advantage over discrete models.PACS numbers: 68.55.-a, 68.35.JaThe behavior of classical physical systems is typically described in terms of equations of motion for discrete microscopic objects (e.g. atoms). In many cases, the behavior of such systems is smooth when observed on macroscopic length and time scales. It is useful to describe these systems in terms of continuum, coarsegrained models, which treat the dynamics of the macroscopic, smoothly varying, degrees of freedom rather than the microscopic ones. Such models are more amenable to analytical treatments and have enormous computational advantages over their discrete counterparts.Many physical systems exhibit a macroscopically smooth behavior everywhere, except in small regions of space where their behavior is singular. Examples are dislocations in a crystal, cracks in crystalline material, facet edges on crystal surfaces, etc. These singular regions are of interest because they frequently drive the dynamics of the whole system. It is an interesting and important challenge to develop continuum descriptions of such systems, since standard phenomenological continuum models completely fail in the singular regions.In this Letter we address the above problem in the context of the dynamics of crystal surfaces. Below the roughening temperature the evolution of these surfaces proceeds by the nucleation, flow and annihilation of atomic steps. These steps originate either from a miscut of the initial surface with respect to a high symmetry plane of the crystal or as the boundaries of islands and vacancies which nucleate on the surface during morphological evolution (we ignore screw dislocations as sources of steps). The steps are separated by terraces, which are parallel to a high symmetry crystal orientation. Each step consists of atomic kinks separated by straight portions along closed-packed orientations. However, on length scales larger than the typical distance between kinks the step is a smooth line. Thus the evolution of the surface corresponds to the motion of discrete smooth lines.One can model step motion by solving the diffusion problem of adatoms on the terraces with boundary conditions at step edges. These conditions account for attachment and detachment of atoms to and from step edges. The local flux of adatoms at step edges and the resulting step velocities can then be calculated. This approach was introduced long ago by Burton, Cabrera and Frank [1], and was further developed by other authors [2]. Given the ar...