Superconductor-insulator transition is a fascinating quantum phenomenon that reveals a competition between phase order and charge localization. Microwave spectroscopy provides a novel promising approach to its controllable investigation in 1D Josephson arrays.Superconductivity and Anderson localization are two quantum phenomena playing an outstanding role in the condensed matter physics. They are in a certain sense antagonists: while a superconductor has zero resistivity, an Anderson insulator is characterized by an infinite resistivity in the zero-temperature limit. Remarkably, one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) systems undergo a direct quantum phase transition from one of these extremes to the other-the superconductorinsulator transition (SIT). Despite considerable progress in the past years, experimental analysis of the physics of these quantum phase transitions remains a great challenge. Now, writing in Nature Physics, Roman Kuzmin and colleagues 1 make a major step in this direction. Specifically, they develop a new tool to investigation of the vicinity of SIT in a Josephson junction array based on microwave spectroscopy of collective bosonic excitations-plasmons-characteristic for 1D superconductor.The SIT in 1D systems is driven by an interplay of disorder with quantum fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter-quantum phase slips (QPS). A type of disorder that is particularly important for Josephsonjunction arrays is random stray charges. The transition is of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless character, with the fixed point that controls properties near the transition in the renormalization-group analysis being located at zero value of fugacity governing the QPS 2-4 . This permits detailed theoretical predictions concerning properties of the systems around the transition. The situation in 1D is in this sense more favorable than in 2D where the SIT fixed point is located at strong coupling, making the theory analysis of the SIT vicinity much more difficult.On the experimental side, Josephson-junction chains have been shown to be a suitable platform for 1D SIT 5 . On the other hand, original experiments on transport properties of chains had substantial difficulties with location of SIT. The source of these problems is not quite clear; it is possible that the results were affected by some kind of noise related to the environment. Recently, a progress was made in a controllable experimental study of transport in the insulating phase 6 , providing a hope that such experiments will come closer to SIT in near future.Kuzmin et al. now choose a very different approach to this challenging problem. They couple a double chain of Josephson junctions (consisting of as much as 33,000 junctions) to an antenna and investigate positions and width of resonances in the microwave frequency range. This spectroscopic approaches has several important advantages. First, the frequency serves as a new knob that allows one to move effectively from superconductor to insulator. Second, no contacts have to be attached...