“…5 Rubin and Chen's (2012) information manipulation classification theory conceptualizes and differentiates broad types of information manipulation (including falsification, exaggeration, concealment, and hoax) by 12 salient factors (such as intentionality, accuracy, and social acceptability). 6 In retrospect, some researchers question whether there is "a suitably computable basis" for a mechanism of identifying deception and building a deception detection system based on lexicosemantic deception cues because of disagreements in measuring and interpreting such cues (Vartapetiance & Gillam, 2012). 7 Using a corpus of criminal statements, police interrogations, and legal testimonies, their regression and tree-based classification automatic tagger performs at average 69% recall and 85% precision rates compared with the performance of human taggers on the same subset (Bachenko et al, 2008). this study focuses on one main question: What is the impact of the relations among discourse constituent parts on the discourse composition of deceptive and truthful messages?…”