Algorithmic meta-theorems are algorithmic results that apply to a whole range of problems, instead of addressing just one specific problem. This kind of theorems are often stated relative to a certain class of graphs, so the general form of a meta theorem reads "every problem in a certain class C of problems can be solved efficiently on every graph satisfying a certain property P". A particularly well known example of a meta-theorem is Courcelle's theorem that every decision problem definable in monadic second-order logic (MSO) can be decided in linear time on any class of graphs of bounded tree-width [1].The class C of problems can be defined in a number of different ways. One option is to state combinatorial or algorithmic criteria of problems in C. For instance, Demaine, Hajiaghayi and Kawarabayashi [5] showed that every minimisation problem that can be solved efficiently on graph classes of bounded tree-width and for which approximate solutions can be computed efficiently from solutions of certain sub-instances, have a PTAS on any class of graphs excluding a fixed minor. While this gives a strong unifying explanation for PTAS of many problems on H-minor free graphs, the class of problems it defines is not very natural. In particular, it may require some work to decide if a given problem belongs to this class or not.Another approach to define meta-theorems is therefore based on definability in logical systems, e.g. to consider the class of problems that can be defined in first-order logic. For instance, related to the above example, a result by Dawar, Grohe, Kreutzer and Schweikardt [4] states that every minimisation problem definable in first-order logic has an EPTAS on every class of graphs excluding a minor. While the actual complexity bounds obtained in this way may not live up to bounds derivable for each individual problem, the class of problems described in this way is extremely natural and for many problems their mathematical formulation already shows that they are first-order definable. Consider, e.g., the definition of a dominating set.Such meta-theorems based on definability in a given logic have received much attention in the literature. For instance, for the case of decision problems, it is has been shown that every problem definable in monadic second-order logic can be decided in polynomial time on graph classes of bounded clique width (see e.g. [2]). For first-order logic (FO), Seese [14] showed that every FO-definable decision problem is solvable in linear time on graph classes of bounded degree. This has then been extended to planar graphs and, more generally, graph classes of bounded local tree-width by Frick and Grohe [7] and to H-minor free graphs by Flum and Grohe [6]. Finally, Dawar, Grohe, Kreutzer generalised these results even further to classes of graphs locally excluding a minor [3].