This primary-care-based study was designed to determine needs as identified by the informal caregiver. A total of 165 caregivers identified selected topics of concern. Depressed caregivers requested more information about depression, adult day care, grief, caregiver feelings, and relaxation. Caregivers of individuals with mild dementia requested more information on confusion, driving, patient depression, shadowing, telling the patient and others, grief, and depression. Behavioral (activities, combativeness, communication, confusion) and stress (healthy lifestyle, grief, relaxation, Received April 15, 2006; revised June 30, 2007; accepted August 31, 2007. This research was part of the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH) project, which was supported by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Nursing Research (Grant: U01-AG13313). It was also supported in part by the Office of Research and Development, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Memphis VA Medical Center. Our thanks to Barbara Higgins, MA, and Juliana Lindenberg, M.Div, for assistance with data collection and intervention. We also want to thank our caregivers for providing excellent care to their family members and for finding the time to participate in this study.Address