Phone: 21 +32(0)33455345; Fax number: +32(0)32476333 22 2 ABSTRACT 23Rifampicin heteroresistance -where rifampicin-resistant and -susceptible tuberculosis bacilli 24 co-exist -may result in failed standard TB treatment and potential spread of rifampicin-25 resistant strains. Detection of rifampicin heteroresistance in routine rapid diagnostic tests 26 (RDTs) allows for patients to receive prompt and effective multidrug-resistant-TB treatment, 27 and may improve rifampicin-resistant TB control. 28 The limit of detection (LOD) of rifampicin heteroresistance for phenotypic drug susceptibility 29 testing by the proportion method is 1%, yet is insufficiently documented for RDTs. We 30 therefore aimed to determine, for the four RDTs (XpertMTB/RIF, XpertMTB/RIF Ultra, 31 GenotypeMTBDRplusv2.0, and GenoscholarNTM+MDRTBII), the LOD per probe and 32 mutation, validated by colony-forming-unit-counting and targeted deep sequencing 33 (Deeplex-MycTB). 34 We selected one rifampicin-susceptible and four rifampicin-resistant strains, with mutation 35 D435V, H445D, H445Y, and S450L respectively, mixed them in various proportions in 36 triplicate, tested them with each RDT, and determined the LODs per mutation type. MycTB revealed concordant proportions of the minority resistant variants in the mixtures. 38 The Deeplex-MycTB-validated-LODs ranged from 20-80% for XpertMTB/RIF, 20-70% for 39 Xpert Ultra, 5-10% for GenotypeMTBDRplusv2.0, and 1-10% for GenoscholarNTM+MTBII for 40 the different mutations. 41 Deeplex-MycTB, GenotypeMTBDRplusv2.0, and GenoscholarNTM+MDRTBII, provide explicit 42 information on rifampicin heteroresistance for the most frequently detected mutations. 43