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AbstractIncreasingly, the industry is aware of the need to improve field development planning decisions with more rigorous risk analysis. A key is to have technology and work processes supporting the complex evaluation of projects as a whole, i.e. from subsurface to processing with economics, while preserving physical fidelity and interdependent uncertainties. This paper will illustrate how an integrated stochastic approach with scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation assisted an asset team to understand overall project uncertainties and sensitivities for a large gas project. This understanding gave a better basis for the planning decisions.The richness and speed of the integrated stochastic approach is compared with more conventional case study analysis. The latter requires manual iteration to investigate how variations of input variables as e.g. reservoir properties impact reserves and production. It is followed by manual input to the economic model and manual analysis.Outputs presented from hundreds of simulations from the integrated stoachastic approach include distributions and histograms of original fluids in place, cumulative production, plateau period, net present value, production rate, discounted cash flows, and rates of return etc. Correlation coefficients between input uncertainties and output uncertainites indicate which input uncertainties give the major contribution to the output uncertainties. This helps the asset team to focus on the important factors for major decisions, and use less time on the less important issues.