1 demonstrated the effectiveness of povidone-iodine prophylaxis against ophthalmia neonatorum but limited their observation of side effects to local toxic reactions. Were the systemic effects of povidone-iodine, such as alterations in thyroid metabolism, evaluated in a pilot study?Topical application of povidone-iodine has been known to cause transient hypothyroidism in newborns as a result of iodine excess. 2 Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism has also been described in a newborn exposed to large doses of iodine. 3 Although probably unimportant in most cases, the systemic effects of the conjunctival application of povidone-iodine should be thoroughly evaluated before the use of this form of prophylaxis becomes widespread, with special attention given to its impact on thyroid function in newborns.Letters to the Editor are considered for publication (subject to editing and abridgment) provided they do not contain material that has been submitted or published elsewhere. Please note the following:• Your letter must be typewritten and triple-spaced. • Its text, not including references, must not exceed 400 words (please include a word count). • It must have no more than five references and one figure or table.• It should not be signed by more than three authors.
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